Dates and Venue
The workshop will be held from September 27 to October 1, 2010 at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany.
The workshop will bring together actively working specialists in various fields of dust and planetary system research from both countries. We hope that the face-to-face meeting will facilitate existing and trigger new collaborative projects and will provide a stimulating environment for exchange of scientific ideas. The preliminary list of participants includes about 40 scientists, nearly half-by-half from Japan and Germany.
As the workshop title suggests, we aim at covering the "dust aspect" at various stages of formation and evolution of our solar system and other planetary systems. These include protoplanetary disks, planetesimal and embryo formation, gas accretion onto planetary cores, transitional disks, and debris disks. The methods considered will comprise laboratory and experimental studies, observations, and theory.
Besides oral and poster presentations, plenty of time will be allocated for discussions.
The workshop is supported by the Center for Planetary Science (CPS) at Kobe University funded by the Global COE Programme, Ministry of Education, Japan. Local arrangements are supported by Friedrich Schiller University Jena.