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- Aurora Borealis
- 60 Jahre Universitäts-Sternwarte in Großschwabhausen
- Homepage Universe on Tour
- YSES2b - Neuer Exoplanet um jungen sonnenähnlichen Stern entdeckt
- International Workshop "Debris Discs: At Home and Abroad" (DDHA-2022)
- The Eclipse of the V773 Tau B circumbinary disk
- Origin High-mass X-ray binary
- Follow-Up Spectroscopy of Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)
- Comet Halley in AD 760
- Komet 2I/Borisov
- Merkur Transit (2)
- Mehrfachsternsysteme mit Exoplaneten
- Tag der Physik und Astronomie am 8. März 2019, Max-Wien-Platz 1
- Stirring the disk
- Announcement IAU FM5
- Announcement IAU FM5/PFE2017 (3)
- Neutron Star RXJ0720
- Jugend forscht am AIU
- RXJ1615 disk
- Planetensystem ORION
- Merkur Transit
- Research Unit "Debris Disks in Planetary Systems"
- C-14 variations around Ad 775
- Massive runaway star
- Vorlesung Terrastronomie
- Fomalhaut
- 200 Jahre Sternwarte
- Infrarot- und optische Beobachtungen des Blazars OJ 287
- Herschel's "cold debris disks"
- A Galactic short Gamma-Ray-Burst
- 50 years observatory in GSH
- Bewegung des Braunen Zwergs PZ Tel B relativ zu seinem Zentralstern
- Venustransit 6. Juni 2012
- Debris disk candidates in systems with transiting planets
- Sub-stellar companion to CT Cha
- A possible architecture of the planetary system HR 8799
- AIU Observatory Telescope back to work - First papers published
- Observations of Comet 17P/Holmes
- Possible planets of beta Pic
- Doppler image of V410 Tau
- First direct detection of gamma Cephei B
- Herschel Highlight
- Asteroid 2005 YU55