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Astrophysikalisches Kolloquium      

Dr. Mark Booth (UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Edinburgh, UK): "The Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope"

Wednesday, 25. October 2023, 16:15
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Dr. Mark Booth (UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Edinburgh, UK)


The AtLAST Consortium is currently conducting a design study to build a new telescope at the ALMA site. This will cover the same wavelengths as ALMA but with a single dish 50m across and a 2 degree field of view, providing an order of magnitude increase in mapping speed. This telescope will cover a wide range of science goals where a large field of view and/or sensitivity to large-scale structure is crucial, including imaging our own Sun, mapping the dynamics of the galactic plane and conducting deep surveys of high redshift galaxies. Notably, the telescope will be planned with sustainability in mind from the start with the expectation of powering the telescope primarily with solar power.

Location seminar room of the Observatory (Schillergäßchen 2)

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