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Astrophysikalisches Kolloquium      

Prof. A. Meredith Hughes (Wesleyan University, CT, USA):"Debris Disk Dynamics with ALMA"

Wednesday, 26. January 2022, 17:30
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Debris Disk Dynamics with ALMA

Debris disks are signposts of mature planetary systems.  Imaging debris disks at millimeter wavelengths shows us the location of macroscopic dust particles whose motions are dominated by gravity -- rather than radiation pressure or interactions with the ISM -- which gives us access to the dynamics of their planetary systems.  I will present two recent projects: (1) A dual-wavelength study of the vertical structure of the iconic debris disk around AU Microscopii, which allows us to characterize the physics of the collisional cascade, and (2) new observations of the debris disk around HD 106906, which we analyze in conjunction with recent HST and GPI observations to constrain the orbital properties of the directly-imaged planet orbiting outside the disk.

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