/* COPYRIGHT (2011-2012) by: Kevin Marco Erler (author), http://www.kevinerler.de AIU-FSU Jena (co-owner), http://www.astro.uni-jena.de SBSZ Jena-Göschwitz (co-owner), http://www.sbsz-jena.de BSZ-Hermsdorf (co-owner), http://www.bszh.de Advanced Licensing (dual license: COPYRIGHT and following licenses): License (international): CC-BY v3.0-unported or later - link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en License (Germany): CC-BY v3.0-DE or later - link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/de/ ------------------ Compilation requirements: Packages (x86-64): GCC >v4.2, compat. libstdc++ and GOMP v3.0 Normal-Compile with g++-Compiler (Red Hat GCC 4.4.5-6 x86-64 tested) + OpenMP v3.0 ([lib]GOMP v3.0 x86-64 tested) g++ -std=c++0x -m64 -fopenmp -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -pedantic-errors -lgomp -lm -s <source.cpp> -o <dest> Release-Compile with g++-Compiler (Red Hat GCC 4.4.5-6 x86-64 tested) + OpenMP v3.0 ([lib]GOMP v3.0 x86-64 tested) g++ -std=c++0x -m64 -fopenmp -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -pedantic-errors -lgomp -lm -O3 -s <source.cpp> -o <dest> Debug-Compile with g++-Compiler (Red Hat GCC 4.4.5-6 x86-64 tested) + OpenMP v3.0 ([lib]GOMP v3.0 x86-64 tested) g++ -std=c++0x -m64 -fopenmp -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -pedantic-errors -lgomp -lm -g -ggdb3 <source.cpp> -o <dest> */ // Includes of C/C++-Librarys for INTs, REAL/FLOATs, STRINGS, Math-Calc and I/O #include <climits> #include <cstdint> #include <cinttypes> #include <cfloat> #include <cwchar> #include <string> //std:string #include <string.h> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> // Conditional compilation (conditional include) of the OpenMP-Mainlib for OpenMP-Support #ifdef _OPENMP #include <omp.h> #endif using namespace std; #define free(x) free(x); *x=NULL #define PRId128 "s" #define PRIi128 "s" #define PRIu128 "s" const uint64_t UINT64_MIN = 0; const __int128_t INT128_MIN = (__int128_t)((-170141183460469231731.687303715884105728) * pow(10,18)); const __int128_t INT128_MAX = (__int128_t)(( 170141183460469231731.687303715884105727) * pow(10,18)); const __uint128_t UINT128_MAX = (__uint128_t)((340282366920938463463.374607431768211455) * pow(10,18)); const __uint128_t UINT128_MIN = 0/* * pow(10,18)*/; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, __uint128_t x) { if(x >= 10) { out << x / 10; } return out << static_cast<unsigned>(x % 10); } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, __int128_t x) { if(x < 0) { out << '-'; x = -x; } return out << static_cast<__uint128_t>(x); } string INT128ToSTR(__int128_t x) { std::stringstream sstr; sstr<<x; return sstr.str(); } #define INT128ToCSTR(x) (INT128ToSTR(x)).c_str() string UINT128ToSTR(__uint128_t x) { std::stringstream sstr; sstr<<x; return sstr.str(); } #define UINT128ToCSTR(x) (UINT128ToSTR(x)).c_str() struct V3D //my own 3D-Vector data type { private: protected: public: uint64_t x, y, z; V3D(uint64_t X = 0ULL, uint64_t Y = 0ULL, uint64_t Z = 0ULL):x(X),y(Y),z(Z){} ~V3D(){}; }; const uint64_t Num3DVecs = 200000000ULL; //num 3D-Vec´s int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Runtime manipulation of OpenMP-state variables //omp_set_num_threads(4); omp_set_dynamic(0); // data declarations and implementations double starttime = 0.00, sdelay = 0.00, pdelay = 0.00; struct V3D A_s[Num3DVecs], \ B_s[Num3DVecs], \ C_s[Num3DVecs], \ A_p[Num3DVecs], \ B_p[Num3DVecs], \ C_p[Num3DVecs]; bool ResultsAreCorrect = false; std::cout << "Vektoraddition (3D) (64-Bit)\n" << "===================================================================\n" << "Initialisierung:"; //--------------------------Begin: Initialization of data------------------------------------------ for(uint64_t i=0ULL;i<Num3DVecs;++i) { A_s[i].x = A_s[i].y = A_s[i].z = B_s[i].x = B_s[i].y = B_s[i].z = A_p[i].x = A_p[i].y = A_p[i].z = B_p[i].x = B_p[i].y = B_p[i].z = (i+1ULL); } //--------------------------End: Initialization of data-------------------------------------------- std::cout << " done\n" << "SERIELLE AUSFÜHRUNG:"; //--------------------------Begin: CPU-serial execution of algorithm------------------------------- starttime = omp_get_wtime(); //CPU-serial algorithm: for(uint64_t j=0ULL;j<Num3DVecs;++j) { C_s[j].x = A_s[j].x + B_s[j].x; C_s[j].y = A_s[j].y + B_s[j].y; C_s[j].z = A_s[j].z + B_s[j].z; } sdelay = omp_get_wtime()-starttime; std::cout << " done\n"; //serial //--------------------------End: CPU-serial execution of algorithm--------------------------------- //--------------------------Begin: CPU-parallel OpenMP-execution of algorithm---------------------- std::cout << "PARALLELE AUSFÜHRUNG mit "; // create parallel region: #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(std::cout, starttime, pdelay, A_p, B_p, C_p) { #pragma omp master { std::cout << omp_get_num_threads() << " Threads:"; starttime = omp_get_wtime(); } //OpenMP-CPU-parallel algorithm #pragma omp flush #pragma omp for schedule(static) for(uint64_t k=0ULL;k<Num3DVecs;++k) { C_p[k].x = A_p[k].x + B_p[k].x; C_p[k].y = A_p[k].y + B_p[k].y; C_p[k].z = A_p[k].z + B_p[k].z; } #pragma omp master { pdelay = omp_get_wtime()-starttime; if(omp_get_num_threads() >= 10) { std::cout << " done\n"; //parallel } else { std::cout << " done\n"; //parallel } } } //--------------------------End: CPU-parallel OpenMP-execution of algorithm------------------------ //--------------------------Analysis of results---------------------------------------------------- std::cout << "Überprüfe Ergebnisse:"; for(uint64_t l=0ULL;l<Num3DVecs;++l) { if((C_p[l].x==C_s[l].x)&&(C_p[l].y==C_s[l].y)&&(C_p[l].z==C_s[l].z)) { ResultsAreCorrect = true; } else { ResultsAreCorrect = false; break; } } std::cout << " done\n"; std::cout << "\nAuswertung:\n" << "*******************************************************************\n" << "Anzahl 3D-Eingangsvektoren A: " << Num3DVecs << '\n' << "Anzahl 3D-Eingangsvektoren B: " << Num3DVecs << '\n' << "Anzahl 3D-Ergebnis-Vektoren C: " << Num3DVecs << '\n' << "Seriell & parallel richtig gerechnet?: " << ((ResultsAreCorrect==true)?"yes\n":" no\n") << "Dauer - SERIELL: " << sdelay << " sec\n" << "Dauer - PARALLEL: " << pdelay << " sec\n" << "__________________\n" << "Beispiele:\n" << "==> 1.3D-Vektoraddition:\n" << "a1(" << A_p[0].x << ';' << A_p[0].y << ';' << A_p[0].z << ") + b1(" << B_p[0].x << ';' << B_p[0].y << ';' << B_p[0].z << ") = \n" << "c1(" << C_p[0].x << ';' << C_p[0].y << ';' << C_p[0].z << ")\n" << "==> " << Num3DVecs << ".3D-Vektoraddition:\n" << 'a' << Num3DVecs << '(' << A_p[Num3DVecs-1ULL].x << ';' << A_p[Num3DVecs-1ULL].y << ';' << A_p[Num3DVecs-1ULL].z << ") + b" << Num3DVecs << '(' << B_p[Num3DVecs-1ULL].x << ';' << B_p[Num3DVecs-1ULL].y << ';' << B_p[Num3DVecs-1ULL].z << ") = \n" << 'c' << Num3DVecs << '(' << C_p[Num3DVecs-1ULL].x << ';' << C_p[Num3DVecs-1ULL].y << ';' << C_p[Num3DVecs-1ULL].z << ")\n" << "__________________" << "\n64-Bit-Werte:\n" << "INT64_MIN: " << INT64_MIN << '\n' << "INT64_MAX: " << INT64_MAX << '\n' << "UINT64_MIN: " << UINT64_MIN << '\n' << "UINT64_MAX: " << UINT64_MAX << '\n'; /* // Detailed output std::cout << "__________________\n" << "Ergebnisliste:\n"; for(uint64_t m=0ULL;m<Num3DVecs;++m) { std::cout << "Seriell: " << "a" << (m+1ULL) << '(' << A_s[m].x << ';' << A_s[m].y << ';' << A_s[m].z << ") + " << "b" << (m+1ULL) << '(' << B_s[m].x << ';' << B_s[m].y << ';' << B_s[m].z << ") = " << "c" << (m+1ULL) << '(' << C_s[m].x << ';' << C_s[m].y << ';' << C_s[m].z << ")\n" << "Parallel: " << "a" << (m+1ULL) << '(' << A_p[m].x << ';' << A_p[m].y << ';' << A_p[m].z << ") + " << "b" << (m+1ULL) << '(' << B_p[m].x << ';' << B_p[m].y << ';' << B_p[m].z << ") = " << "c" << (m+1ULL) << '(' << C_p[m].x << ';' << C_p[m].y << ';' << C_p[m].z << ")\n"; }*/ getchar(); return 0; }